Flexible dates search option

If your travel dates are flexible, use our low fare calendar to find the best deal.

If you have a flexible travel schedule and are looking for the lowest priced flights, our flexible dates search option is the perfect way to find tickets for your next trip.

To search for the best flight deals, simply select the "Flexible dates" check box on our booking form. You'll find it located directly beneath the return date/time. This will let you see the lowest available fares by date on our low fare calendar.

With our flexible dates search you can:

  • See an entire month of fares for your destination
  • Find the lowest fare available for each day of the month
  • View lowest fares for both outbound and return flights
  • Filter your search to only display First Class fares
  • Review your total fare in an easy-to-use trip summary table

Note: Our flexible dates search option is not available when traveling to/from Mexico, or booking flights with one of our partners. In these instances, your flight search results will be displayed in our usual schedule format.

Search Using Flexible Dates

Here's an example of what the booking form looks like with the flexible dates search option selected:

This screenshot is a non-working example of our advanced search booking widget, which can be found at https://www.alaskaair.com/planbook.  In the screenshot, the location of the checkbox for choosing to search by flexible dates is highlighted, to help you more easily use the actual booking widget. This checkbox is located on the left side of the booking widget, in the “Flight type & travelers” section.  It shows that there are 3 radio button options – “Round-trip”, “One-way”, and “Multi-city” – followed by two checkbox options – “Use miles” and “Flexible dates”, which is selected in this screenshot.   The screenshot shows that once you’d select the Flexible dates checkbox, you would fill in the rest of the booking widget fields within the “Cities and dates”, and “Upgrades and discounts” sections, and then select the “Find flights” button to continue. This would open to a new window, the flexible dates low fare calendar.

Here's an example of the flexible dates calendar showing the lowest fares by date:

This screenshot is a non-working example of our flexible dates low fare calendar, which would open after choosing to search by flexible dates using our advanced search booking widget at https://www.alaskaair.com/planbook. (That process is outlined in the text for the image before this one.)  The screenshot shows two calendars, with the lowest fares by date: on the top, the calendar that lets you select your departure date; on the bottom, the calendar that lets you choose your return date. On each calendar, every date lists the lowest priced flight available for that day, between the cities chosen earlier.  Once you’d decided the best dates and prices for your needs, you would select your preferred date of departure on the top calendar, and your preferred date of return on the bottom calendar, then select the “Continue” button at the bottom. This would take you to the next page in the purchase process, where you would choose your flights from the flights available.

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